dms-service llc

2013: dms-service llc provided the first body worn,multi-channel Holter monitor available for use in physicians office, clinics and hospitals. For the first time physicians could purchase a body worn, multi channel Holter for use with their own Holter monitoring equipment.
2017: dms-service introduced the myPatch®sl Holter recorder.
The myPatch®sl is a revolutionary, shower proof Holter monitor with an IP rating of 68! It's adjustable channel and sample rate selection allow the user to determine how many days the myPatch®sl records (up to 14 days in 2 channel mode and 9 days in 3 channel mode). Weighing a scant 1/2 ounce, the myPatch®sl is compatible with many Holter systems and eliminates flashcards, pouches and batteries. The novel Holter recorder can be worn by adults, pediatrics AND neonates.
The patients’ comfort and ease of use is unparalleled. The myPatch®sl is available for purchase or for use in our scanning service.