Hayek Medical Devices (North America) Ltd.

8193 Esquising Line
Milton,  ON  L9T 9E4

  • Booth: 2606

Hayek Medical is the exclusive distributor of the Hayek RTX Biphasic Cuirass Ventilator (BCV). With the unique ability to support cardiopulmonary function with biphasic and negative pressure in patients from < 1.8 to 180 kg, the RTX’s ability to support the expansion of the lungs by supplementing natural pressures in the chest is unparalleled for failing physiology. We are dedicated to advancing Biphasic Cuirass Ventilation in all care venues where patients can benefit from comfortable, mask-free, non-invasive support. BCV offers many benefits to a variety of patient groups & has had recent success in the Fontan population.