Riverside Medical Group

2 Eaton St
Ste 705
Hampton,  VA  23669

United States
  • Booth: 11045

Riverside Medical Group (RMG), 700+ multi-specialty clinical team in over 132 offices and includes well-established, cardiology team of twelve physicians plus APPs all supported by collaborative, team players located in southeastern Virginia with Epic linking all IP and OP facilities. Providers play a key role in decision making and are represented on RMG’s Board of Directors and integrated in leadership positions throughout the heath system. New Open roles: General Cardiology, Non-Invasive, Advanced Imaging, Structural Interventional and Advanced Heart Failure. To inquire further or meet at ACC, please email nicole.laroche@rivhs.com Or text Nicole: (757) 544-6069 to set up a meeting at ACC. Nicole Laroche, Physician Development. Riverside Health System/Riverside Medical Group